Bay Tree Florists


The traditional floral Bouquet from Bay Tree Florists consists of the finest cut stems, beautifully packaged for presentation and perfect for those who enjoy arranging their own flowers.

When unpacked the stems should be cut before the flowers are placed in a vase. Our professional florists use the freshest, crispest flowers to prepare their handmade flower bouquets.

Please note vases in this Bouquet section are not included in the price, but can be bought as a gift.

Please call 0800 0 14 14 18 or email

Vibrant Bouquet

Price: from £31.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Vibrant Bouquet using the finest stems.

Hot Bouquet

Price: from £31.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Hot Bouquet using the finest stems.

Pure Bouquet

Price: £35.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Pure Bouquet using the finest stems.

Just for You

Price: from £31.95

A traditional bouquet of pink flowers packaged ready for home arrangement.

Ray of Sunshine

Price: from £31.95

A traditional bouquet of yellow flowers packaged ready for home arrangement.

Tranquil Moments

Price: from £31.95

Bouquet of purple & cream flowers packaged ready
for home arrangement.

Bold Bouquet

Price: from £31.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Bold Bouquet using the finest stems.

Bright Bouquet

Price: from £31.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Bright Bouquet using the finest stems.

Rich Bouquet

Price: from £31.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Rich Bouquet using the finest stems.

Vivid Bouquet

Price: from £31.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Vivid Bouquet using the finest stems.

Soft Bouquet

Price: from £31.95

Our expert florists will personally design your Soft Bouquet using the finest stems.


Price: £31.95

Bouquet of pink & cream flowers packaged ready
for home arrangement.


Price: from £36.95

A simple bouquet of six
red Roses and complementary foliage.

Oranges & Lemons

Price: from £39.95

A traditional bouquet of orange flowers packaged ready for home arrangement.

Red Splendour

Price: from £44.95

Bouquet of mixed red flowers packaged ready
for home arrangement.

Free delivery


Same day delivery is available on orders placed before 1pm.

Teleflorist delivery rates apply to International orders.

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Add a gift!

Add a gift with your order: choose from Chocolates,
Fruit Baskets, Vases,
Balloons, Teddies, Wine
and Champagne.

More gift options
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