Bay Tree Florists

Bay Tree Florists use only the best quality flowers and plants to create professional floral arrangements for any occasion.



Customer satisfaction is assured when ordering flowers for that special occasion.


Birthday, Anniversary, New Baby, Get Well Soon, Thank You, I’m Sorry, Engagement, Wedding, Funeral, Romantic, Congratulations, Sympathy, Thinking of You - we have a huge range to suit all these occasions and more.

Flower Care

Before placing the flowers in a vase/container it is advisable to cut the stem of each flower with a sharp knife and remove about 2-3 cms from the end. Cutting with a knife as opposed to secateurs or scissors will create a larger area ensuring maximum uptake of water. It is also a good idea to remove any leaves, which will be below the water before placing in a vase.

Vases / Containers - It is very important that the flowers are placed into a clean vase to prevent any bacteria affecting the flowers. Gerberas in particularly last longer when placed in a clean container.

Water - You may be surprised at the amount of water that flowers require to remain healthy. Add luke warm water to a vase/container as opposed to cold water from the tap. Keep the water topped up every 2-3 days should be sufficient. If you have used flower food do not throw the water away, just add to the existing water. If you receive a gift where the flowers have been arranged in foam (oasis) you can keep the arrangement fresh by adding water to the oasis every 2-3 days but be careful not to add too much or you make create some spillage. Place the arrangement on a place mat to ensure protect the underlying surface.

Call us now
Fresh flowers

To place your order simply call us free on 0800 0 14 14 18.

Shop Opening Hours
Fresh flowers

Monday to Friday:
8:30am to 5.30pm
8:30am to 1:30pm

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